Five day old Elena was such a joy to photograph! She arrived for the session all bright eyed and bushy tailed, and remained awake for a good hour. We didn’t mind that she was awake, though, because she was so content and calm. Of course with that much awake time, I had to get some awake shots of her, too. 😉 Once Elena fell asleep, she was sound asleep and didn’t wake until we were finished. I got so many shots of her during that time, and could have honestly kept playing with her all day. She was that dreamy to work with! And did I mention how gorgeous of a baby she is?!? Ahhh, her lashes were to die for!!! Oh, and here in Arizona, we have had some amazing weather lately. It may only be February, but our trees and flowers have been tricked by the 70-80 degree weather we’ve had over the last few weeks, and they think it’s spring already! The day before Elena’s session, I was on my way home from picking up my oldest at school, and noticed an apple blossom tree was blooming in someone’s yard. Of course I had to stop and ask the owner if I could have a few branches for Elena’s session. The owner said it was fine, so after my husband finished up his baseball practice (he’s a high school baseball coach), I sent him back to their house to chop off a couple branches for me. Luckily, he is no stranger to my crazy requests and didn’t even bat an eye. Yep, I’ve got a good one, ladies! 😉
Elena ~ 5 days old {Kingman, AZ Newborn Photographer}