Baby Ainsley came to my Kingman Arizona Newborn Photographer studio at 19 days new. I had taken her mama’s maternity pictures, as well. So, I was so excited to meet the whole family at her newborn session (her daddy and big brother).
Ainsley’s mama told me that her nursery was full of sunflowers and yellow. I hadn’t used yellow in quite awhile, so I decided to pull out lots of yellow. Sometimes I regret that decision, because yellow doesn’t go well with babies whom are jaundiced, but Ainsley’s skin was absolutely PERFECT! <3
Ainsley’s big brother was so smitten with her. I just love watching older siblings interact with their new brother/sister.
Check out more of my favorites below…
Sweet Peas Photography is currently booking newborns with due dates through December 2021! June is fully booked! Extremely limited availability for due dates from July-September. Fill out the contact form HERE in order to ensure that your due date gets on her calendar before her openings are gone!