
Prescott Arizona Newborn Photographer | Baby Nickolas

As an Arizona Newborn Photographer, I get lots of babies in my studio from all over northern Arizona. Baby Nickolas was born in Prescott, AZ, but came to see me at 14 days old for his session.

He was such a good baby for me, sleeping the entire time, enabling me to get through every setup very quickly. He was also such a smiley little guy, allowing me to capture quite a few smiles on camera.

We used green for his session, and I think he looked so good on this backdrop, with his beautiful skin tone and dark hair.

Here are some of my favorites from the session…

Prescott Arizona Newborn Photographer Baby Nickolas

Kingman Newborn Photographer

Lake Havasu Newborn Photographer

Arizona Newborn Photographer

Kingman Newborn Photographer

Bullhead City Newborn Photographer


Are you looking for an experienced newborn photographer? Sweet Peas Photography has been photographing newborns for 5 years, and proudly serves all of Mohave County, as well as the surrounding areas. She is currently booking due dates through February 2019.  Please fill out her contact form HERE to get in touch with her for more information, and/or to book your session today!

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  • KellyDecember 28, 2018 - 9:06 pm

    Love the baseball photo!! Look at that smile. I’m amazed at how you capture the most candid shots!ReplyCancel